PHS Intro to Manufacturing Class Manufactures Mini Basketball Hoops

PHS Intro to Manufacturing Class Manufactures Mini Basketball Hoops

Basketball hoop

Picture taken by PHS Interactive Media Marketing student Angela Busse.

Student constructing basketball hoop

PHS Intro to Manufacturing Class Manufactures Mini PHS Basketball Hoops

Rich Schieber’s first semester students at Plymouth High School designed and created basketball hoops in a class called Intro to Manufacturing.  The basketball hoops are designed to go on a trash or recycling bin and make throwing wads of paper away somewhat of a sport!

You can use this product in an office, classroom, or pretty much anywhere you want or have a wastepaper basket.

Each hoop is $10. Mr. Schieber said proceeds raised would be used to fund materials for future Intro to Manufacturing projects.

If you are interested in purchasing one of these nifty creations, simply contact Rich Schieber via email at [email protected].