Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is essential for success in school. The characteristics of punctuality and dependability are personal habits that are respected in our society and therefore are part of the educational process. Indiana Law IC 20-33-2-6 states that students between the ages of seven (7) and eighteen (18) are required by law to attend school. Indiana Code 20-33-2-27 Compulsory Attendance states it is unlawful that a parent/guardian fail to ensure that their child attends school as required under this chapter.

The only absences considered legal or "excused" absences are personal illness, death in the family, exclusion by a doctor, or observance of religious holidays. Plymouth Community School Corporation complies with Indiana State laws regarding attendance and has adopted policies accordingly.
Types of Absences Defined

Excused Absences

  1. Illness verified by note from parent/guardian.
  2. Illness verified by note from a physician.
  3. Family    funeral   
  4. Maternity
  5. Military Connected Families (e.g. absences related to deployment and return)
  6. Administration consideration may be given when an extenuating circumstance would     indicate that it is in the best interest of the student or school.
  7.  Any student who becomes incapacitated or suffers from a chronic illness must have a parent or legal guardian file with the school the “Indiana Department of Education Certificate of Incapacity.”

Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence is any absence not covered under the definition of excused or exempt.