Video Resources

Khan Academy

Our library of videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer. Over 3600 videos.
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Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection:Introduction to evolution, variation in a population and natural selection



Get Prepared! Sophia helps you get ready! Use Sophia Pathways to prepare for exams or just to review material from courses you may have taken in the past. These lessons include short quizzes that make sure you’re learning what you need to understand the concepts. 28,000 Tutorials You have help getting ready! About Sophia...

NBC Learn

NBC News offers unique collections of video resources, primary sources, historic footage, images, mini-documentaries and text resources designed for use in the K-12 classroom. Great way to start an open-ended discussion on current topics tied to state standards. Go to Indiana Dept. of Education Portal...

YouTube - create a channel for playlists

or ... YouTube Education Teacher-friendly has hundreds of playlists of videos that align with common educational standards, organized by subject and grade. These playlists were created by teachers for teachers so you can spend more time teaching and less time searching.

How to Download a Video from YouTube

  • Download using OR
  • Put an ss after the www. and it will take you to a site for downloading a YouTube video... Example:

Create a channel in YouTube for a unit and paste a list of YouTube videos that will act as direct instruction, remediation, an avenue for discussions, or enrichment to enhance a lesson.


ck-12 "anytime learning"

ck-12 anytime learningStart with a subject - Find a modality that fits - make a Flexbook - use a video - Customize links directly to Google Docs, upload a Word doc

Sister Sites - studyHELP, FlexMath, Braingenie, and I Need A Pencil

Students can track their progress too - personalized learning

Crash Course Video Playlist

Screen Shot

  • Anayomy/Physiology
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Big History
  • Chemistry

Crash Course videos house a number of Playlists on the following subjects:

  • Ecology
  • Literature
  • Psychology
  • U.S. Gov't / Politics
  • World History


HippoCampus is a repository of video presentations, worked examples, interactive simulations and test prep for many subjects, including math, natural sciences, social science, and humanities.

Link to Khan Academy

Links to Khan Academy, NROC, PhET, & Earth Science Multimedia

Teaching Channel

Teaching Channel is a video showcase -- on the Internet and TV -- of innovative and effective teaching practices in America.

Bozeman Science

Bozeman Science is maintained by Paul Anderson, a science teacher in Bozeman, MT.  He has created hundreds of science videos that have been viewed millions of times by students and teachers around the world.

Ted Ed Lessons

Ever heard of Ted Talks? Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the Ted-Ed platform.

Show Me & Educreations

Teacher and student made videos that you can use in your flip lesson..Embed, connect, and link only. No download.