WDA Best in New Tech Network Winner

WDA Best in New Tech Network Winner

WDA’s Dare to Dream in Color Project: 2017 Best in New Tech Network Winner

New Tech Network announced today that Mrs. Risner, Mrs. Goodwin, and Miss Young are the 2017 Best in Network award winners for their project: Dare to Dream in Color.

Each year New Tech Network gives the Best in Network award to a project that exemplifies the goal of successfully combining active exploration, application, authenticity, and academic rigor.

The project encompassed much more than just a simple 5K Run. Every aspect was an exciting part of a Project Based Learning unit that focused on teaching students about perseverance, measure progress towards a goal, and ultimately, be able to generalize the experience to other parts of their lives, including academics. “We want our students to be able to face and overcome obstacles,” said Goodwin of last year’s event.

Washington Discovery Academy also applied for and received a generationOn grant for using innovative teaching and learning.  It was a $250 grant. They used the grant to buy supplies for making colored powder.

To read more about this wonderful achievement visit the following site: https://newtechnetwork.org/resources/dare-dream-color-2017-best-network-winner/

WDA Color Run Picture