Message from the Principal

I am thrilled to welcome you to Washington Discovery Academy (WDA)!

As the new Principal of WDA, I am honored to be part of a community that values excellence in education, fosters a spirit of collaboration, and prioritizes the growth and well-being of every student. At Washington Discovery Academy, we believe education is a transformative journey. Our mission at WDA is to ensure high levels of learning for all students through a collective mindset and continuous improvement. Our dedicated team of educators is committed to nurturing a learning environment where curiosity is sparked, creativity is encouraged, and critical thinking is cultivated. We are not just imparting knowledge; we are shaping the future
leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.

As we begin this school year, our focus remains on providing a comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond textbooks. We aim to create well-rounded individuals who excel academically, emotionally, and socially. Our commitment to diversity and inclusivity ensures that every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to embrace their unique strengths.

Communication and collaboration are key pillars of our school's foundation. We encourage parents and guardians to actively participate in their child's educational journey, as your partnership is instrumental in achieving success. We are here to listen, guide, and work together to create an environment that nurtures growth and fosters a love for learning.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. I am excited to witness the growth and achievements of our students and to celebrate the successes that this school year will undoubtedly bring. Let us embrace this new school year with enthusiasm, determination, and a shared commitment to excellence.


Mr. Joshua Overmyer,




Joshua Overmyer, Principal
Washington Discovery Academy